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The Napoleonic Wars - Part 4

 Coup at home It is important to note that all this while, France was ruled by a directory of 5 members until now. Napoleon, though he hated the Directory, preferred it to a Monarchy. This was because the Directory was very incompetent as compared to the Monarchs. It was doing bad in all the places. Ironically, the Directory required a continuous state of war to survive. During the 1790s, France was in a great internal turmoil. Law and order situation broke down completely. The Police force was becoming untrustworthy. The French currency's value was decreasing continuously. The Directory assigned a new currency, which didn't help one bit. The source of incomes for the Directory was drying up and it became increasingly dependent on fines, confiscations, loots from other countries to finance it's war. The living standards of the people was decreasing. They even had no success in foreign affairs. Britain too, was undergoing internal turmoil and they were willing to accept an u

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